Knuckles Quest v0.2.1 Update

Today's my birthday, and what better way to celebrate than to release a new update for Knuckles Quest? Here's what's new and improved:

  • Gameplay
    • Added dash rings and cannons
    • Added magnet shield and invincibility capsules
    • Emerald can spawn inside ring capsule
    • Jump off walls when detaching from them
    • Running attack sets speed to max
    • Reduced camera collider damping speed
    • Slopes affect player's speed and acceleration
    • Changed Fixed Timestep from 0.02 to 0.015 (should make moving platforms slightly smoother)
    • Slight camera trigger modifications
  • Aesthetic
    • Remodeled checkpoints and spike ball
    • Added UI and sounds for camera controls
    • Added animation for launching from springs
    • Item box is larger and item inside animates
    • Added landing animation
    • Added trail effects to attacks
    • Improved drop shadow rendering
    • Reduced glide sound volume
    • Made Bob-omb Battlefield look smoother
    • Tweaked turning visuals
    • Slight material tweaks
  • Bug fixes
    • Fixed glitch involving releasing jump button after bouncing on spring
    • Improved camera reset upon respawn
    • Fixed glitch involving pausing during load screen
    • Goal ring doesn't animate while paused
    • Item box doesn't rotate on accident

Download v0.2.1 to play, or for the first time, play it in your browser!

There ended up being a lot more changes than I thought there would be, but I wanted to get as much out of the way as I could before I start implementing full custom levels, which will happen starting with the next update! I hope you're as excited as I am!


Knuckles Quest Demo v0.2.1 55 MB
Jun 01, 2024

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